Now then, What I'm I talking about? Well, mostly a trend I've noticed myself doing, and not sure when it started. I shall give you the most simple explanation I can give;
Friend: Hi Nat, how are you doing?
Me: Eh, not bad.
Did you catch that? I'll give another example, just for closure;
Friend: Are you sure it's around here, where is this place?
Me: Oh, it's not far.
Well first of all, you can gather I don't tend to say much myself, and second, and this is the primary point here, why do I constantly tell people how I am NOT feeling? I can't think of a time where I've responded in a direct or positive way. I can't think of a reason for this in all honesty, I'm certainly not a negative person, though perhaps my reasoning is just that, I am a very positive and optimistic person, so perhaps I answer in this way as a means of assuring others that I am indeed not negative. I am "Not bad", and the like.
And relate to this, mildly, is the fact that I've found I ask questions that don't really need to be asked. It's hard to explain properly in text, but I'll still try. The best example I can give is what I find I say when I am impressed by something;
"Aw man, How good is THAT!?"
You may infer to what I mean by know.
And in all fairness, the only reason I can think of for this is, well, because I'm Australian. =3
And with that, I leave you with my last thought, presented in comedy form. -obviously not by me.-
Questions, Queries, QSuggestions (I couldn't think of another Q word...) send to here
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